
Trucks drive a debate

Re “Trucks targeted in clean-air drive,” Nov. 12

Now that I understand the Proposition 1B transportation improvement plan, I am so proud to have voted for it. Instead of having the 405 or 101 freeways fixed and widened, we’ll purchase 17,000 new trucks and give them away to local guys who drive junkers.

The billions of dollars that the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach make each year just “can’t” cover the expense to clean up diesel fumes. As a retired resident of Long Beach, I want the ports to know I have port soot all over my old roof, and I’d like them to buy me a new one. Which proposition covered roofs?


Long Beach


Perhaps a small step, but everything helps: Let trucks use carpool lanes when entering freeways. Take, for example, the truck-heavy Wilmington onramps to the 405 in both directions; both are metered and go uphill. Trucks drive up to the stoplight and then, after it turns green, try to get up to freeway speed at full throttle while emitting lots of exhaust and burning lots of fuel. It would be a small change to the rules with positive results concerning clean air.



Rancho Palos Verdes
