
FCC’s focus on 4-letter words puzzling

Regarding “FCC backtracks on 2 charges of indecency,” Nov. 8:

The “F-word” is such a part of the speech of children and teens that excising it from broadcasts is ludicrous. As to the various depictions of excrement, why is “feces” OK and “poop” considered cute and acceptable for children, but not the “S-word”?

It all goes back to the complaints about Howard Stern. Anytime he offended me I tuned him out, but for the most part I found him entertaining. Today I refuse to listen to Tom Leykis because he is an obnoxious bore, not because he is obscene. The same applies to “The John and Ken Show” on KFI-AM (640).

So long as my radio has a tuner and an off button, I’m fine with their staying on the air. Once a significant number of other listeners adopt my practice, the problem will cure itself without government intervention.


Norman Moore

North Hollywood


How is it that the members of the FCC can change their minds about what is inappropriate and indecent? Inconsistencies challenge their ethics and ruin the credibility of their choices.

Nicole Leal

West Hills
