
‘Anchor child’ creates waves

Re “Shy and only 7, he’s the face of a debate,” Nov. 15

More than just the “face of the debate,” Saul Arellano is the pawn of shameless illegal immigrant activists and his own mother. There is a very important lesson for little Saul to learn from this issue: Actions have consequences. It isn’t the American government that put him in his heartbreaking situation but his own mother. She is the one who was sure that an “anchor baby” would protect her from deportation and who exploits this naive little child for her benefit.

Saul doesn’t have to be separated from his mother. As a minor, he should accompany her to their home in Mexico. When he’s old enough, he’s free to return to the country of his birth and, unfortunately, sponsor his mother.


Simi Valley


If Saul’s mother were to steal someone’s money, does Saul think that not only should she not be punished, she should also get to keep what she stole? That’s exactly what she’s teaching him, that stealing isn’t wrong, lying isn’t wrong and cheating isn’t wrong. She cheated the immigration system by sneaking into the country. By refusing to accept the consequences of her illegal activities, she is teaching this child that crime does pay if you can act pitiful enough when you’re caught



Dallas, Ga.


Why is it that the government of Mexico is fighting to keep Saul and his illegal immigrant mother in the U.S. when Cuba seven years ago fought vigorously to return 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez to Cuba? Simple. Cuba fights to keep its citizens, but Mexico fights to get rid of its citizens. And the U.S. considers Cuba an enemy! Unbelievable.


Garden Grove
