
Airline mergers bad for fliers

Re “This one should fly,” editorial, Nov. 16

Consolidation may be good for the airline industry, but it will be a negative development for the consumer. Competition drives prices down and quality up, whereas monopolies and duopolies determine prices at the level of whatever the market will bear, and the quality of service drops as the number of choices decrease.

The merged U.S. Airways-America West airline is poorly operated. The merger has been distinguished by incompatible computer systems and terminal spaces in a state of disrepair.

You claim that airline consolidation “would be a step in the right direction for the ailing industry.” I know from experience that the merger would be a step in the Soviet Union-era Aeroflot direction -- and I hope that is not the right direction for the airline (or any) industry. I urge you to reconsider your editorial recommendation with a pro-consumer point of view as opposed to a pro-business point of view.



Los Angeles
