
Telling scene at comedy club

Re “ ‘Seinfeld’ costar apologizes for racial slurs at comedy club,” Nov. 21

Michael “Kramer” Richards went on a racist tirade when confronted by hecklers in a local nightclub. Too bad he didn’t have Jerry Seinfeld heckling him, as he positively heckled Jerry in an episode of the classic series. Bottom line? I believe that racists make racist remarks under pressure, just like anti-Semites make anti-Semitic remarks under pressure. I won’t forgive Mel Gibson and, unfortunately, I won’t forgive “Kramer.”

Too bad, as my wife and I stay up every night to watch “Seinfeld” reruns. However, while Jerry may have said, “not that there’s anything wrong with that,” there’s definitely something wrong with this.


Manhattan Beach


Mel Gibson seems to have opened the door to something ugly in Hollywood. It’s been there under the surface all along, but since the ‘60s, it’s been politically incorrect to put it on display. Racism in Hollywood is the fat, ugly, pink elephant that laid a mound in the living room at the cocktail party, and I’m actually glad that someone has finally stepped in it.





I personally don’t believe that comic Richards is a racist, and I don’t believe that he should have used the “N-word” in his verbal tirade against the hecklers in his audience. An embarrassed Richards probably lost his cool.

But where is the apology from the hecklers? They started this entire incident, and why isn’t the media attacking the hecklers for their ruthless attack on Richards?

When entertainers are at work, they deserve respect from the audience. The hecklers asked for trouble and now they are crying to the world about their embarrassment. If anyone should be banned from the comedy club, it should be the hecklers.



Nuevo, Calif.
