
Last straw on church allegations

Re “Corruption target faces sex charges,” Nov. 17

As a cradle Roman Catholic, I am shocked and sickened at yet another story of the sexual victimization of children by an employee of the church -- this time allegedly at Daniel Murphy Catholic High School in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. I was, however, not surprised at the way in which this latest horror was handled by the archdiocese, as is the custom of Cardinal Roger Mahony. The perpetrator of these alleged crimes was spirited away while, yet again, the alleged victims were forgotten. Did Mahony give any thought to the mental and physical well-eing of the students at Daniel Murphy?

The time has come for the pope to recall Mahony for permanent assignment in Rome. And the time has come for the pope to place the spiritual and emotional well-being of the souls of the Los Angeles Archdiocese in more capable hands.


Long Beach
