
Coin of the realm due for a change

Re “Making change,” editorial, Nov. 25

I suppose the demise of the dollar bill is inevitable. But before the U.S. Mint starts cranking up the coin machine, I have one favor to ask. Having traveled across Europe last summer, I found myself forever listing to my right as I scrutinized each Euro coin in my right pocket to determine its value before parting with it.

So please design the new dollar coin light in weight (aluminum or titanium come to mind) and make sure George Washington stays on the coin. And tint it green for old times’ sake.


Palm Desert


Here we go again with the coin gambit. It failed before and will fail again. Nobody wants to be weighed down with eight or nine dollar coins in their pockets when they can hardly notice eight or nine bills.


Yes, get rid of the worthless penny. Rounding up or down will not alter any person’s finances, as it will equal out over time. Even the IRS rounds to the nearest dollar.


Los Angeles


If I’m still around in 2016 when the Richard Nixon $1 coin is minted, I’ll be 93. I think I’ll be able to live with that. If by some miracle I’m still grousing about the state of the world when the George W. Bush dollar is issued, that could be the nail in my coffin. I think we should skip the Bush 43 dollar and put the president’s face on a new penny. It would be a sure way of getting rid of that pesky coin.


Laguna Woods
