
But leftovers took a hit

RUBBING salt all over a turkey four days before Thanksgiving [“The Be-All, End-All Turkey,” by Russ Parsons, Nov. 15]? Turning it over? Air-drying it in the refrigerator? Baking it upside down for 30 minutes?

It sounded so completely off the wall that I had to try it! The end result was nothing short of superb and was pronounced the best turkey ever by family and friends.


Santa Barbara


I have never written to a newspaper reporter before so this is a first but wanted to thank you for the timely recipe on how to cook a turkey!


We were set to try the brine this year but after reading your article on salting the turkey and letting it sit for three days, we opted for that method and wow, did we get great feedback. The turkey was moist, didn’t have what I call metal taste and we have few leftovers. In fact it makes so much sense that I can’t believe that someone didn’t figure this out years ago. We always roll our prime rib in rock salt and never had a failure.


Costa Mesa


WE’VE made at least 100 turkeys around here, but that was the best we’ve ever eaten, much less made. Problem is, I don’t have enough leftovers!


Calabasas Hills
