
Weighing a return of Saddam Hussein

Re “Bring back Hussein, the lesser evil,” Current, Nov. 26

Jonathan Chait asks why bringing back Saddam Hussein isn’t the worst solution. That someone asks such a question shows how badly things have been handled in Iraq, but it is still the wrong question. We should be looking for the best solution and ask whether it is worse than what is currently being done. A better question is: What do the Iraqis want?

An overwhelming majority want the U.S. out of their country. Everything else in Iraq should be resolved according to this simple principle, which is that Iraqis should be the primary drivers of what goes on in their country.




Chait may well be on target in arguing for Hussein’s restoration, but his analysis needs to be extended globally. It’s time to drop the doctrine of being willing to endure any price to make liberty survive and succeed. Many populations seem to be unable to use liberty productively. Using freedom to shoot each other is not productive.


So why don’t we work out mutually beneficial deals with the world’s communist, fascist and religious dictators? As long as they don’t pester their neighbors, and they participate as partners in the global economic community, we will ignore their internal affairs. The result could be a bit of international peace and quiet for a change.


Thousand Oaks


Bring back Hussein? How does Chait expect to stage that in the middle of a civil war? Using Chait’s logic, we should have reinstalled the Nazis during the late 1940s to counter the threat from the Soviets. It sure would have been more doable than what Chait is proposing for Iraq.

Dealing with the Iranians would be far more practical and effective. Iran is the only power in the region with the power and influence required to assist with the disorder in Iraq. Such a mission would require a first-rate diplomatic effort, something the current administration seems incapable of producing. So bring in a new team and let’s get started.



San Francisco


I agree with Chait: Let’s bring back Hussein. The U.S. would lose a lot of face, but in this situation even some of the Shiites might be glad to see him return. It couldn’t be any worse than what the Iraqis have right now, and certainly Hussein would behave himself a lot more than when he had free rein.


Staten Island, N.Y.
