
Move Over, Dr. Seuss

What do Queen Latifah, Billy Crystal, Jerry Seinfeld, Caroline Kennedy, Madonna, Lynne Cheney, Jorge Posada and Paul McCartney have in common (besides sizable incomes)? Well, if you have young kids, you probably already know the answer: children’s books. It seems like every time you walk into a bookstore, some other celebrity has joined the craze. Jamie Lee Curtis alone has seven titles available, some bestsellers. Makes you wonder what other famous folks are busy penning:

Tiger Woods: “Birdies and Eagles and Tigers, Oh My!”

Billie Jean King: “Love-Love”

Joan Didion: “No Slouching”

Julia Butterfly Hill: “The Giving Treehouse”

Michael J. Fox: “J Fox in Sox”

Coolio: “C Is for Cool”

Michael Jackson: “I’ve Got Your Nose!”

Judge Judy: “Everybody Sues!”

Pat Sajak: “I Love Me a Big Wheel”

Joe Walsh & Glenn Frey: “New Kid in Town”

Pete Carroll: “Timeouts Are Hard to Take!”

Chris Anderson: “A Short Tale”
