
There are enough sins to go around

Re “Hate the sin, not the sinner,” Opinion, Sept. 29

I’m sorry, Rosa Brooks, but I do hate President Bush, precisely because I feel what he has done to this country: lied to lead us into war, disregarded the Geneva Convention, tried to turn us into mutual informants, spied on us, scared us so that we would look the other way as he eviscerated the Constitution -- these things are the measure of the man he is.

Bush is an irresponsible oligarch, ill-served by those around him, and he ill-serves us, for whom he is a public servant. In six years, he has caused such damage to our international reputation and our domestic democracy that it will take years to undo his legacy.

Hate Bush? You bet. But more than that, I want him impeached and tried for war crimes, and that is no pathological emotion. It is a position based coldly on Article VI of the Constitution, which makes treaties such as the Geneva Convention federal law.



San Diego


Brooks has a convenient memory. She is appalled by this administration’s policies.

Go back in time when we dropped an atomic bomb on our enemy in order to stop a war that we entered after the killing of 2,400 Americans; to the 1950s, Mao Tse-tung, along with Russia and the communist world, hated us and our policies. Wars in Korea and Vietnam, along with threats to other Far East countries, were the norm. Mao was reputed to have killed millions of people who opposed him and his country. The U.S. was a “threat to global stability” for taking a stand. Fidel Castro was fomenting anti-American sentiment in Latin America. If President Kennedy had not taken a stand, would we have been nuked?

Our country, under liberal leadership, has upheld the right to abort thousands of unborn children a year, yet oppose hard questioning of captured prisoners of war. Detainees? More like captured terrorists who want to take away our freedoms.

Bush has taken a stand. Brooks hates the sin but loves the sinner. Get real.


Thousand Oaks
