
How would Jesus vote?

Re “Pastors Guiding Voters to GOP,” Oct. 1

Many thousands of evangelical preachers are guiding many hundreds of thousands of evangelical Christians to vote for Republicans. This not only raises a debate about the legality of tax-exempt churches’ involvement in partisan politics, it also raises questions about GOP behavior being aligned with the teachings of Jesus.

I doubt Jesus would support the violent invasions of sovereign nations, resulting in the death and wounding of hundreds of thousands of innocent people; the arrest, torture and imprisonment of innocent people; tax cuts favoring the wealthiest among us; the largest debt in America’s history; not supporting the military with proper equipment; cutting veterans’ benefits; higher costs for education, healthcare and housing; more environmental pollution, bribery scandals, lying, cronyism, greed or corruption. Why do so many evangelical Christians believe their preachers instead of the facts?




Our founding fathers were wise enough to conclude long ago that a concentration of power in any one institution inevitably conflicts with a stable and free society. Opposition parties are not an option but a prerequisite for our representative democracy.


Although it is perfectly democratic to use any legal and transparent method to further any particular political agenda, it seems some, like Focus on the Family founder James C. Dobson, would feel more comfortable in a totalitarian society in which his hoped-for one-party state would be able to replace over 200 years of our democratic tradition.

Moreover, although many of this country’s greatest moments could find their origin and success in religious movements, these movements were also inclusive and did not seek a one-party country. It seems to me that if Jesus were alive today, he would oppose those who support a theocracy over a democracy.


Manhattan Beach


In the New Testament, Jesus urges followers to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” I would think political clout falls into the category of Caesar’s things -- something to be kept out of the church.



