
Another view of Japan

Re “Will the Rising Sun rise again?” Opinion, Sept. 25

Michael Zielenziger relied on worn-out stereotypes and inaccuracies about current affairs in Japan, which has recovered from a 15-year economic recession through the leadership of successive administrations. Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s repeated insistence that the economy would not grow without reform has produced fundamental and resolute structural reforms. These efforts have paid off. The new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, having been in Koizumi’s Cabinet, played a major role in carrying out economic reforms and is determined to continue reforms.

Abe was not “hand-picked” by Koizumi. He fought a fair, competitive campaign and has been duly elected.

Perhaps there is a general tendency of renewed patriotism in Japan. However, this should not be confused with something unhealthy, but is natural pride for one’s country. Abe encourages Japan to be more self-assertive and self-confident in our alliance with the United States as well as in international affairs, such as U.N. reforms and global security issues.


Not uniquely Western, individualism and self-expression are worthy goals for our contemporary society. Nevertheless, healthy individualism requires situating freedom with responsibility and a virtue of tolerance in a globalized 21st century.


Consul General of Japan

Los Angeles
