
Assessing fallout from the Foley sex scandal

Re “Will Foley haunt the Dems too?” Opinion, Oct. 5

Here we see Jonah Goldberg at his disingenuous best. First, recently resigned Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley is not an alleged pedophile; if anything he’s an ephebophile -- as if semantics makes it less reprehensible. Then Goldberg equates this revolting mess to the Clinton scandal. It would seem in his universe there are no differences between a 20-something woman with an agenda and a vulnerable, underage (in most of the nation anyway) boy. But then, Goldberg’s universe is a dark fantasy land of generalizations, half-truths and outright lies, blended well, then served to the gullible. Jonah, you’re a twit. And you can look that one up in your Webster’s.


Oregon City, Ore.


Former Rep. Foley of West Palm Beach will not take the Republican Party down because he alone is mentally sick and was plain wrong for doing what he did. He duped a great many folks for many years and deserves swift punishment for his outrageous and immoral behavior. As a proud Republican, I say he deserves everything he has coming to him and more. However, the liberal Democrats are creating much chaos and division in our country as of late, and this must stop. It’s becoming more and more irritating listening to the liberal Democrats’ attempts to cause upset as the midterm elections head to the finish line.


Baldwin, N.Y.


Re “Onetime Loyal Aide Now Stands to Undermine GOP,” Oct. 5

Kirk Fordham, the former aide to Foley, says that he warned the office of House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of the inappropriate e-mails more than two years ago. Hastert’s office has denied such a warning occurred. So who is lying here? While the Republicans are denying this and denying that, what about the pages who were exposed to the disgraced congressman’s instant messages and e-mails? How have those e-mails and instant messages affected them and their well-being? The conservatives -- the so-called defenders of the family -- are more concerned about saving the career of Hastert than the well-being of the pages who may have been harmed by these e-mails and instant messages. The Republican Party is truly in a state of denial.





The most effective way of dealing with Hastert is to elect a Democratic House of Representatives, thereby relieving all the sanctimonious hypocrites of further decision-making.


Woodland Hills
