
We must train kids to deal with evil

IN response to the two letters in the Sept. 30 Calendar that took offense to the film “Jesus Camp,” we should all rejoice in the fact that some people do care enough about our kids to give them something other than video games and mindless, continuous entertainment. It is crucial in these times that our kids be trained to be adults of substance and strong moral convictions if our nation is to survive.

We must equip our young with the appropriate spiritual weaponry to be able to stand firm in the ongoing battle against moral corruption and all forms of evil. Our children are the ones who must continue to fight the good fight; they are the ones who will ultimately lead us to victory. Moreover, if our kids are not trained as diligently as the Islamofascists are training their young, then we might as well give up the battle right now. Our children are our future, and they need to be taught to rage against the ever-present evil.


Valley Village
