
Times’ readers put Tribune Co. on notice

Re “Times Publisher, Who Resisted Cuts, Ousted,” Oct. 6

I am dismayed to read of the resignation of Publisher Jeffrey M. Johnson. Please let the new publisher and Tribune Co. know that readership (and therefore, ad rates) will go down if the quality of the paper decreases.

I count on The Times as the best newspaper in the Western U.S., but I will be quick to cancel my subscription should it turn into anything less.

The country has enough papers that publish press releases as “news.” We require a real newspaper that finds real news and lets the reading public in on it. We will be watching carefully.



San Juan Capistrano


Tribune Co. should do Angelenos a favor and sell to local ownership. It has done nothing but undermine the integrity of The Times since taking over. Keep The Times what it was meant to be: a local paper with a world-renowned reputation. Otherwise, you will be losing many loyal customers.


Simi Valley


In this day and age, any business that earns 20% or more annually is considered a prize. Generally the rule is: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I search in vain to understand how sensible businessmen want to cut back a profitable publication. Let them go after the parts of the Tribune empire that don’t work.


Mission Viejo


I am sorry Tribune Co. of Chicago has taken the shortsighted action of firing The Times’ publisher. Trying to diminish the journalistic responsibilities to accommodate a diminishing budget is not a solution. It is better to commit to long-term support of good journalism that earns the interest and support of readers and advertisers, which would then provide an improved budget.





Having grown up in the 1950s in the Los Angeles area and having lived overseas before returning 10 years ago to Northern California, I have some perspective on the L.A. Times. I am a Democrat, but found The Times reporting to be the best in California and America for sheer quality and relative lack of bias. Tribune Co. cannot cut its way to success. Making news, newspapers and quality reporting relevant depends on great people and great leadership, not firing them.


Woodside, Calif.
