
Elementary school principal’s methods

Re “When Principal’s a Grizzly, Campus Life Can Be a Bear,” column, Oct. 2

I don’t know Woodland Hills Elementary School Principal Anna Feig personally. But it appears that Bob Sipchen has something against her.

It seems that Feig is just doing her job. She is not there to make someone feel good and smile but to make sure that all the students at Woodland Hills Elementary get the best education available. She is expected to make sure that there are no inappropriate disruptions in each classroom.

When a teacher sends a child to the principal, that is supposed to mean that the teacher has done all that she knows to do with and for the child but the child is still disrupting the class.


The test scores show that Feig is doing her job. We need more Feigs in every school that has an Academic Performance Index score of 400. Sipchen needs to go to some schools with low scores to find out what’s really happening and tell us about their principals.


Los Angeles


Feig says: “The only time I raise my voice ... is if a teacher comes to me and says, ‘Scare them.’ Or, if I’m attacked, I raise my voice.” Is she describing an attack dog or a principal? She has created an environment of fear, not respect.

Parents, the API score is impressive, but at what cost to your children?


Los Angeles
