
Why is dating so difficult?

There are a lot of neurotics, paranoid and bad-time people running around putting on false airs and promoting dreams that are doomed to burst [“When Guys Who Were Hot to Trot Gallop Off,” Sept. 28]. I wish men and women would declare a truce and stop making life so difficult and complex. Just making love ain’t easy anymore.

I hope Samantha Bonar has good luck in her personal life, because her talent shouldn’t only be expressed on paper. It should be expressed in real life. Her use of the English language is exquisite. But beware of the old saying, watch out for those who protest too much, for they will never be happy in this world.

Take what you can get sometimes, sweetheart, and who knows? You just may end up being happy.



Van Nuys


What clues make a guy a non-”runner”? I am asking you this, because every guy I meet seems to be a “runner” except the guys I don’t want. Most of these guys I have met on the Internet.

I have been doing this for more than two years and have met guys in a wide range of ages, ethnicities, educational backgrounds, living locations and situations, income levels, religions and looks, which includes height. Those guys who would like to have stayed with me had horrible problems such as the “Mama’s Boy”; or the one who eyed and priced my possessions so he could sell them out from under me; the former druggie now turned chain smoker; etc.

The horror stories of dating that I could tell you about -- you would be shocked and entertained by them.



