
SoundExchange Takes Its Mission Seriously

Regarding “Digital Music Royalty Checks Languish,” Sept. 29:

As music professionals who represent hundreds of thousands of recording artists -- and who make up 50% of SoundExchange’s board of directors -- we were glad to see The Times raise awareness of our recently published list of unpaid artists. We would, however, like to clear up several misperceptions.

The article’s assertion that SoundExchange can’t find certain high-profile artists included on the list is incorrect. A number of these artists simply have failed to respond to our notifications -- indeed, Dixie Chicks manager Simon Renshaw indicated as much in your piece.

You also fail to point out that SoundExchange has engaged in numerous outreach activities, including extensive publicity campaigns, that have resulted just last year in the notification of more than 25,000 artists owed royalties.


SoundExchange’s sole mission is to pay artists and copyright owners for digital sound performances, and we encourage all to register at

Jay Cooper

Daryl Friedman

Michael Hausman

Walter McDonough

Patrick Rains

Jay Rosenthal

Trish Polach

Perry Resnick

Kim Roberts-Hedgpeth

