
Proud of federal food stamp program

Re “Help That They Can Understand,” Oct. 13

Ensuring that all who are eligible for the food stamp program have access to nutrition assistance is a high priority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and our state and local partners. However, your story is misleading as it relates to illegal immigrants. By law, illegal immigrants are not eligible for food stamp benefits, and states are required to verify applicants’ legal status. The program’s managers and overseers work hard to ensure its integrity.

Legal immigrants in the United States may be eligible to receive benefits if they meet residency, income and asset requirements. They and other eligible families are the focus of our outreach efforts. The USDA is proud of our efforts to ensure that all eligible families, and in particular underserved populations, have access to this critical nutrition program.


Undersecretary Food, Nutrition

and Consumer Services

U.S. Department of Agriculture

