
Blame doesn’t stop with crash verdict

Re “Driver Guilty of Felony in Market Crash,” Oct. 21

A just verdict was delivered in the George Russell Weller case. The families of the victims deserved such vindication on behalf of their loved ones. The verdict should serve notice on the Department of Motor Vehicles, which has renewed the licenses of incompetent elderly drivers without sufficient testing, and municipalities like Santa Monica, which negligently allowed its farmers market to be operated in the street, without adequate safety barriers. Both should be subject to civil liability.


Long Beach


I had to take my 94-year-old father’s two-ton Buick to another state to sell it under threats and protest about losing his independence. He was adamant about keeping his car despite the fact that he had dented both sides running into the garage.

Although Weller is guilty, he should not go to jail. In the end, this accident is an indictment of our whole car culture, which makes it not only inconvenient to take the bus or train but somehow demeaning.



Van Nuys


When is the Department of Motor Vehicles going to take a leadership position on testing older drivers?

When are family members going to take away the keys when they know Mom or Dad should not be driving anymore?

When are the AARP and other senior lobbies going to protect the public rather than bury their heads in the sand on the senior-driving issue?


I don’t see well in the dark. I don’t drive at night anymore for my own protection and for the safety of everyone on the road. Is it inconvenient? Yes, it is. I find a ride or I don’t go out.

Let’s have a road test for all drivers older than 70. If they pass the test, that’s great. If they don’t, please get them off the road.


