
German Opera to stage ‘Idomeneo’

Times Staff Writer

After facing weeks of criticism for bowing to radical Islam, the German Opera company in Berlin announced Friday that it would stage a Mozart production that includes a scene showing the severed head of the prophet Muhammad.

The opera company, which pulled “Idomeneo” from its schedule in September for fear of inciting Islamists, said the show was revived after a security assessment found “dangerous incidents unlikely.”

“There is no concrete risk for the Deutsche Oper or its staff,” Berlin police said. Several weeks ago, police had informed the opera there could be “incalculable risks” if the performance went on, but did not identify a specific threat. Since then, the opera and law enforcement authorities have been criticized for overreacting to perceived dangers.


The company’s director, Kirsten Harms, was under pressure from politicians and artists, who argued that canceling the production appeased religious militants and weakened the tradition of European liberalism. Muslim leaders in Germany also suggested that canceling the show was rash; several said they would attend a performance to determine if it was religiously offensive.

“I think sometimes you have to have the power to change a bad decision,” said Kay Kuntze, director of the Berlin Chamber Opera. “It is necessary to show this opera and to fight against the fear of Islamic radicalism. I think we have to or this terrorism will get bigger and bigger.”

“Idomeneo” is the ancient story of the king of Crete’s pact with the Greek god Poseidon to sacrifice his son. The production by director Hans Neuenfels, known for his controversial interpretations, is a meditation on enlightenment that shows the king lifting the severed heads of Poseidon, Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad to suggest how organized religion can corrupt the human spirit.


The cancellation of the opera underscored the friction between Europe and its growing Muslim population over religion, free speech and artistic creativity. It followed worldwide protests over the publication of caricatures of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper, and Pope Benedict XVI’s criticism of what he said was Islam’s historical propensity for violence.

But Muslim reaction in Berlin to the opera was more muted than fiery. At a recent conference for Muslim and German leaders, several Muslims said the scene involving Muhammad may offend Muslims, but that artistic freedom should be respected in a democracy. Germany has about 3.2 million Muslims, most of Turkish origin.

Ali Kizilkaya, chairman of the German Islamic Council, said: “I’m not happy, but at the same time I don’t regret” the decision to stage the opera.


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