
Felled firefighters lauded for service

Re “ ‘Devil Winds’ Stoke Fatal Fire,” Oct. 27

I want to express my deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the U.S. Forest Service firefighters who died in the Esperanza fire. My heart goes out to them. These firefighters risked, and lost, their lives trying to protect the homes and safety of the people of Riverside County. They lost their lives in this effort -- not their homes, not their Harley Davidsons or tractors, but their lives.

As noted in your article, roughly 700 firefighters were deployed to fight this fire, which translates to 700 firefighters who are risking their lives to protect this community’s safety and property.

Property damage can easily be avoided by clearing flammable debris from around your home. With this clear zone, any fire will not, no matter the intensity, be able to set fire to your home. With such easy prevention, it is a terrible shame that any life should be lost.



San Francisco
