
In defense of, and in opposition to, Rumsfeld

Re “Secretary of Indefensible,” editorial, Aug. 31

Your editorial is, as usual, a lot of nothing. You criticize Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld for using the Hitler analogy but do not explain why it is not correct. It is not correct because high school students are warned against using it? Well, that certainly demolishes his statement. Then you ask who is part of the “blame America first” crowd? Let’s answer that by putting it this way: When was the last time you heard any Democratic leader, in Congress or at the state or local level, say anything good about our country?

According to the Democrats, we are too rich; not caring enough; we discriminate; don’t have good health coverage; our children go to bed hungry at night; etc. Yes, we have problems, but how many individuals create their own problems and then expect someone (the taxpayers) to rescue them? As usual, your editorial is so sweeping, so general, that it is like a boxer who throws a punch into the empty air: a waste of effort and paper.


Long Beach


Finally, Rumsfeld is right about something when he warns that the nation is confronting “a new type of fascism.” It’s called the Bush administration. How many days until the congressional election so we can restore checks and balances to our government?



Huntington Beach
