
Father Left Notes Before Killings


An unemployed father who drowned his young son and daughter in the family’s home and then committed suicide by jumping in front of a subway train left behind rambling notes describing himself as the object of voodoo spells, police said Thursday.

Frantz Bordes, 39, wrote the notes in the Creole of his native Haiti and left them on the bed in the family’s Staten Island apartment, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said. Police found the bodies of Bordes’ children in the bathtub early Thursday.

A spokeswoman for the city medical examiner’s office said the deaths of the children, Sweitzer, 4, and Stephanie, 2, had been determined to be homicides by drowning. Bordes’ seven notes “make reference to voodoo being used against him,” Kelly said at a news briefing.


Police said Bordes, who had been unemployed for about five years, killed the children sometime Wednesday in the apartment where he lived with the children’s mother.

Later Wednesday, Bordes threw himself in front of a subway train in Brooklyn, Kelly said.
