
Asian man’s take on dating scene

Quote from Cindy Chang’s “Just Consider Her the Girl Next Door,” Aug. 17: “ ‘Do you speak Mandarin or Cantonese?’ ‘I just went to Japan and I loved it!’ These men are lucky to escape with a cold shoulder and not a gin and tonic in their faces.”

It seems to me that her dating arena has only non-Asian men in it, because it is improbable that Asian men would ask such stupid questions. If she had bothered to date Asian guys, do you think that she would face these offensive questions? But, of course, Asian guys are beneath her.

She is just another Joy Luck Club feminist: fighting hard to remove the unhealthy factors in Asian female/white male relationships and ignoring the existence of Asian men.


The Joy Luck Club feminist movement has nothing to do with Asian American unity/empowerment and everything to do with personal empowerment at the expense of Asian men.


Monterey Park
