
A Revolutionary Doll: Falla the Cat, Not Included

What a shame for this to happen just as schools are reopening. In the “don’t-know-much-about-history” category, one store chain used the wrong Franklin’s name in an ad, pointed out Kathleen Sheldon of Santa Monica and Tom Greene of L.A. (see accompanying). Parents, don’t let your kids see this. The website was later corrected to say that the figure was, of course, Bonnie Franklin. I mean, Benjamin.

Don’t know much about math, either: Bill Thornton of Santa Ana took issue with one magazine’s claim about its per-issue price (see accompanying).

Interesting development: Disposable cameras are one thing. But in a local mall, Martha Golden of Long Beach came upon an area where the film is trashed (see photo).


Apparently a drop-off box used to be there.

Scary name: But I checked and the company observed by Andy Bero of Gardena actually exterminates termites, not people, fortunately (see photo). By the way, the phone number on the banner doesn’t work unless you can dial a comma.

Chain saws in the moonlight: The crime log of the Seal Beach Sun carried this entry: “2:33 a.m. -- Oleander Street -- The caller asked to have a police officer stand by while he tried to trim one of his trees. He said he had an ongoing problem with a neighbor who calls on him every time he tries to trim the tree.” Commented one reader: “I’d call on him too if he trimmed trees at 2:33 a.m.”

How excited is USC about football? Even the website for the school’s Department of Public Safety used a gridiron term to describe a sports-related crime:


“Aug. 31 ... A student reported that a suspect intercepted a set of USC football season tickets that were mailed to his residence on Alvarado Street.”

miscelLAny: Talk about a localized ad: A billboard on the San Diego Freeway for the new TV sitcom “ ‘Til Death” declares: “The car pool lane -- one of marriage’s greatest perks.” Of course, that wouldn’t make sense in other parts of the country where carpools are reserved for vehicles with THREE or more occupants.

California, desperate for carpoolers, lowered the standard to two.

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, Ext. 77083, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at [email protected].
