
Keep the spine aligned

Every exercise program needs to include moves that encourage proper back and pelvis alignment. Here’s a popular move that teaches correct awareness and control of the lumbar curve. It’s a simple way to help maintain a healthy spine and improve your posture and balance.


1 Kneel on all fours on a level surface with your knees directly under your hips and your hands below your shoulders. Use a mat or a pad under your knees for comfort. Keep your head in alignment with your spine (don’t raise your head). Begin by finding a neutral spine position: First round your back, then overarch your back, then settle halfway in between. On an exhale, raise your left arm, stretching it forward. Keep your shoulders moving away from your ears and prevent your lower back from overarching by pressing your front ribs in toward your body.

2 Next, stretch your right leg behind you, keeping your toes on the floor until you find your balance. Once you feel stable, raise your leg without allowing your lower back to overarch. Hold this position for three breaths and then lower it. Repeat the exercise, lifting the other arm and leg.


Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

-- Karen Voight
