
Seven Things to Do in the Dark

1. Stargaze at the Griffith Observatory, set to reopen in November, fresh from a $93-million makeover. Of course, you’ll be able to enjoy the show at the observatory even before the sun goes down because it’s always nighttime in the planetarium theater.

2. Strap on some NiteRider lights and hit the Sullivan Canyon single track on your mountain bike. It’s a great way to beat the heat and still have some quality pedal time if you miss your 5:30 spinning class.

3. Jog the streets north of Montana Avenue in Santa Monica and peer into the well-lighted homes of the rich and famous. Be consoled that money does not buy good taste.


4. Flip through the rags at the Sherman Oaks Newsstand at Ventura and Van Nuys boulevards, open 24 hours. So much more invigorating than the stale air coming from the blogs on your computer.

5. Slice into a steak and potato at Pacific Dining Car downtown or in Santa Monica, where the powerbrokering goes on all night. Too tender for tenderloin? Build fortitude with some chicken soup at Canter’s Deli on Fairfax, also open around the clock.

6. Catch a midnight movie on Fridays at the Nuart in West L.A. or on Saturdays at the Rialto in South Pasadena in seats so stiff we dare you to nod off.


7. Sleep.
