
Some films best left unreviewed

REGARDING the review of “Jackass: Number Two,” by Jessica Reaves of the Chicago Tribune [“What Comes After Stupid? Just Gross,” Sept. 22]: It bothers me no end to read reviews from one of your sister publications in my hometown newspaper. If I wanted a Chicagoan’s perspective, I’d go to the newsstand and pick up a Chi-town rag and read that.

That said, what really bothers me was the review itself, apparently written by some queasy intern who was so repulsed by the movie that she had to mention not once but twice how it made her sick to her stomach.

I don’t think every review in the Los Angeles Times has to be on a par with film critic Janet Maslin. I’m not trying to defend “Jackass” as high art. But it would have been interesting to read how it compares with the slapstick produced by previous generations, or a short study on how civilization got to the point where a “Jackass” movie can open with $28 million its first weekend. If that’s the best you can offer, let it go unreviewed.


Long Beach
