
Poor marks for decathlon coverage

Re “El Camino quiz kids win again,” April 29

Thank you for honoring the students of El Camino Real High School for winning the National Academic Decathlon.

That this is a school in the Los Angeles Unified School District was not mentioned. For the record, congratulations to El Camino Real Decathlon Team and coaches, to all of the high school’s staff, to Local District 1, to all of the Los Angeles Unified School District. This is one of your many success stories.


West Hollywood


Ho hum -- those quiz kids won again. Your editorial treatment of the accomplishments of these young adults is deplorable. Quiz kids? Ha! A national high school academic accomplishment only warrants a small notice at the bottom of the California section and not even a mention on the front page. Your California section finds May Day parades and eagles far more important, and your front page tells us about a New Mexico University researcher growing peppers. Tell me, how important is educational accomplishment to the editors of your paper? It seems very little.


I’m completely disconnected from the decathlon and feel such heartache for the coaches and students who are given so little praise by you.


Woodland Hills
