
Occupying Iraq will solve nothing

Re “Why Iraq is your grandchild’s war,” Opinion, April 11

Ronald Brownstein spent a lot of time on the issue of how to pay for a 50- or 100-year occupation but avoided the basic question. No matter how it is paid for, what is gained? Has any longtime occupation of one country by another ever produced a good result, created a more stable nation, resolved internal conflicts? If not, then no matter what the price for our continuing presence in Iraq, it is too high.

Erica Hahn



I wonder how many Americans actually understand that this war is being paid for on the credit card. One way to enlighten Americans and put a stop to this debacle is to divide the costs of the war, including the interest, by each U.S. taxpayer.

Send out the bill, and then see how long it takes to end this mess. And if you’re looking for a quicker way to end it, reinstitute the draft.


Tom Yeager

Bermuda Dunes, Calif.
