
Land trust

Re “O.C. gives 1,200 acres to trust backed by developer,” Aug. 20

A developer claims to preserve an ecological gem in exchange for construction of suburban sprawl. Later, a public-private toll road agency proposes to plow a toll road through it to access the developer’s condos and mini-malls.

Then, county supervisors, who also sit on the toll road board, cede the land back to the developer for their convenience, allowing for no public input or oversight. Future generations get polluted streams and despoiled hillsides, and they can kiss educational nature programs goodbye.

I suggest an alternative universe in which the Orange County supervisors and Rancho Mission Viejo conservators agree to preserve the 1,200-acre conservancy and its public educational component, or replace its priceless habitat in kind, with complete public oversight.


Open space given to the citizens of Orange County should be preserved in perpetuity, period.

Jack Eidt

Director of Planning

Wild Heritage Planners

