
King-sized woes

I was at the last Kings game of the season last year. I listened to Marc Crawford address the crowd on how next year was going to be different and that the playoffs were in reach.

Well, things are different, if you mean by being the worst team in hockey. What makes it even more difficult to be a Kings fan is that the Ducks now have their Stanley Cup and half of their fans don’t even know what a blue line is. I will continue to look at the standings upside down to make me feel better.

Michael Kelley



Tim Leiweke on the Kings: “As painful as it is to go through the valley, we will not look back. The days of making excuses are over.”


Tim, as it relates to the Kings, it is just as painful going through Orange County.

Michael Gray

Yorba Linda


The real Miracle on Manchester (at Staples) is Kings announcer Bob Miller and his unbridled enthusiasm every telecast.

Jeff Prescott

La Jolla


Evidently the Kings are the first pro team to experiment with performance-detracting drugs.

Drew MacKinney

