
GOP budget reforms will help

Re “The cap trap,” editorial, June 22

Your editorial criticizes Senate and Assembly Republicans for bringing ideas to the table to help our sagging economy grow, fix our broken budget system and maximize the precious tax dollars Californians send to Sacramento.

The real “distraction” to passing the budget is that the only alternatives that Democrats have presented are taxing and spending more. And as your editorial points out, the tax hikes are unspecified. It’s insulting to taxpayers -- who during these tough economic times already pay some of the highest taxes in the nation -- that Democrats won’t say where they’re hitting Californians in the pocketbook.

Our budget reforms will help stabilize out-of-control state spending, and we wouldn’t find ourselves in this situation if this common-sense plan had been enacted years ago. The dire budget situation we find ourselves in is the perfect time to ensure this never happens again. Republicans are committed to being a part of a responsible budget solution. Let’s hope our colleagues on the other side of the aisle work in earnest to do the same.


State Sen. Dave


Minority Leader

