
Shifts in perspective

Re “Obama is shifting to the center,” June 28

I almost started laughing when I saw The Times’ front page try to spin an article about Obama moving to the center. Anyone gullible enough to actually believe that, I’ve got swampland in Florida to sell you. The National Journal rated Obama the most liberal senator in 2007.

Facts are optional when it comes to liberals. Opinion trumps truth.

Dan Forde


I read with great disappointment about Obama’s decision to pander to the right by opposing the Supreme Court’s decision on child rape. I speak as a past Obama donor and also as one whose family has been victimized by child rape.

Obama knows his opinion cannot set aside the unconstitutionality of this application of capital punishment. However, if President Obama intends to expand the death penalty through federal legislation or Supreme Court appointments, he should let all progressive Americans know. We then can vote for the Green Party candidate in November.


David Dozier


So, supporting the death penalty, wiretaps, aggressive policies toward Iran and Israeli oppression of the Palestinians is termed “shifting to the center” and “moderate” by The Times.

Is the ghost of George Orwell writing your political articles on Obama?

John Marciano

Santa Monica
