
GOP is putting some energy into these ads

The Republican National Committee has dropped $3.4 million to blast Barack Obama’s energy policy on television in four key states. The 30-second spot charges that the Illinois senator opposes lower gas taxes, nuclear power and more oil drilling: “Just the party line.”

John McCain, it touts, is “pushing his own party to face climate change” and supports “alternative energy, conservation, suspending the gas tax and more production here at home.” The reference to more production presumably refers to his recent reversal in favor of allowing more offshore drilling.

The campaign is airing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Brad Todd, with the firm OnMessage Inc., created the spot and said it would air through next week. In a statement, Todd said that energy security was “emerging as a defining difference in the race for president.”


Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan slapped back, saying McCain promises to “continue the Bush approach of trying to drill our way out of our energy crisis.” Obama, he said, is offering “historic investment in alternative energy development.”

Though $3.4 million is substantial, it is probably only the ante for the RNC and the Democratic National Committee. The DNC spent more than $100 million in 2004 on behalf of John Kerry’s presidential run.

-- Dan Morain
