
Money, money, money

He’s being out-raised by more than 2 to 1. But John McCain expects to spend $400 million by the November election and be competitive with Barack Obama’s money juggernaut.

McCain campaign manager Rick Davis sought Thursday to undermine the widely held view that the presumed Republican nominee would be swamped by his Democratic rival’s fundraising prowess and army of 1.7 million donors.

McCain’s take in a month ticked up to $22 million in June, from $21 million in May. He’s also getting help from the Republican National Committee, which added $26 million.


Obama has not released his June money numbers. As of May, he had raised $287 million to McCain’s $133 million, including his June infusion.

McCain is taking a federal grant of $84.1 million for his general-election campaign. Obama rejected the money and will rely on his record-setting fundraising operation. McCain will continue to help the GOP raise money for use in the presidential campaign.

-- Dan Morain
