
Grass acts

It is utterly impossible to overstate the greatness that was the men’s Wimbledon final. Bill Dwyre [July 7] did a credible job in trying to convey the grace and dignity exhibited by reigning champion Roger Federer and charismatic young Rafael Nadal. Federer was as classy in defeat as Nadal was in his triumph. Simply put, Nadal and Federer reminded us what is great about sport, played at its highest level by true sportsmen.

David Perez


Both Roger Federer and Serena Williams are 26 years old. In that time, Roger has shown that he can be as gracious and classy as a loser as he is when he is a winner. Too bad Serena does not yet have the maturity to be the same.

Glenn M. Langdon

Garden Grove

The article on the front page of the Sunday sports section, “Victory for Venus leaves Serena sullen,” grossly minimizes what we saw on Centre Court at Wimbledon: a class act from the Williams sisters displaying grace under pressure time and time again. Perhaps television commentators and other media vultures ought to let the players catch a breath after their games before swooping in on them.


Prema Chari

