
Failure at the top is the bottom line

Re “State’s budget no role model,” July 7

It’s true that California’s budget process needs reform. But the state’s current fiscal mess is a direct result of failed leadership throughout this decade. In 2003, when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger took office, he had a historic opportunity to balance the budget. Instead, he and the Legislature borrowed massively as the economy boomed.

In 2006, when it was clear that the economy was slowing, the governor showered Californians with promises of new funding for schools and healthcare. Today, our schools and colleges, healthcare for children and other critical services are at risk.

State leaders should remember the old adage: When you’re in a hole, stop digging. The time is past due for the governor and the Legislature to pass a truly balanced budget.


Phil Angelides


The writer was California state treasurer from 1999 to 2007.
