
Israeli lifeguard brings up sunken treasure

Special to The Times

A rare 2,500-year-old marble discus was found last week by an Israeli lifeguard diving in the underwater antiquities site of Yavne-Yam, an ancient port city settled in the middle Bronze Age and inhabited until the Middle Ages. Today, the nearby beach is named for the kibbutz of Palmahim.

The convex object is believed to have been fixed to the front of ancient ships as a talisman, its shape and painted circles suggesting the pupil of a forward-looking and vigilant eye to protect mariners from misfortune.

Kobi Sharvit, director of the marine unit of the Israel Antiquities Authority, says that drawings on pottery vessels, coins and other sources from the 5th century BC indicate such objects were common on the bows of ships and were intended to aid navigation, warn of dangers and protect sailors from the evil eye.


Variants still can be seen on modern boats in Portugal, Greece and other coastal countries. Eye-shaped amulets and good-luck charms are extremely common throughout the Mediterranean.

Although believed to have been commonly used in the region, only three others have been found. Two, dating to the same period, were recovered from an ancient Greek cargo shipwreck off Tektas Burnu along Turkey’s western coast. Another one was found off Israel’s northern coast.

Israel’s coastline is rich with evidence of ancient history and cultures, but this submerged heritage is endangered by the building of wave breaks, ports and marinas, as well as by contractors dredging sand.


Diving has become an increasingly popular sport, and most of the estimated 100,000 divers are in it for fun. But authorities worry that others are removing antiquities illegally for sale to dealers or private collectors. In May, inspectors seized dozens of ancient artifacts taken from underwater antiquities sites. Among the artifacts found in a Haifa house were Roman bronze figurines, pottery and glass vessels, and three anchors from ancient ships.

David Shalom, the lifeguard who found the discus, handed it over to authorities.
