
A good, honest stretch for the thighs

It’s very easy to cheat when performing some of the more popular stretches. But without proper form, we can end up wasting our time or worse -- creating undue stress on our joints. When done correctly, this is an excellent way to stretch the muscles in the front of the thigh.

-- Karen Voight

1Stand with both feet together, then shift your body weight over your left leg and bend your right knee. Reach your left arm in front of you, or place it directly on a sturdy surface to help you balance.

2Bend forward and reach down to grasp your right foot with your right hand. Be sure to hold around the arch or the shoelace area of your foot (not the toes). Stand upright and point your right knee straight toward the floor; be sure your knee does not point out to the side. For a deeper stretch, tuck your hips under your torso and pull your heel closer toward your buttocks. Release and repeat on the other leg.



Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
