
Sentence handed down in terror plot

A second member of an Islamic terrorist cell hatched in a California state prison was sentenced to 12 1/2 years in federal prison Monday for plotting attacks against U.S. military, Israeli and Jewish targets in the Los Angeles area.

Gregory Patterson, 24, of Gardena pleaded guilty in December to conspiring to wage war against the United States and possess firearms in furtherance of a crime.

Last month, codefendant Levar Haney Washington, 30, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and weapons charges and was sentenced to 22 years. The men belonged to Jam’iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh, or JIS, a group organized in 1997 by Kevin James.


James has also pleaded guilty and is scheduled to be sentenced in February 2009. The fourth defendant, Hammad Riaz Samana, was found unfit to stand trial and is under psychiatric care at a federal prison facility.

-- H.G. Reza
