
The Sanders factor

Re “Gay marriage opponents got a surprise boost,” July 21

I am a longtime San Diegan who read with interest your article indicating that Mayor Jerry Sanders’ position on gay marriage was a huge factor in mobilizing conservatives to qualify Proposition 8 for the November ballot.

I was among the many San Diegans who appreciated Sanders’ support of marriage for gay and lesbian couples -- and, as a parent, I was touched by his personal story.

I strongly disagree with your take on the effect the mayor’s change of heart had on opponents of same-sex marriage. Proposition 8 was successfully placed on the ballot because of a huge influx of out-of-state money from conservative activists. I believe you missed the mark on this one.


Jane Potter

La Jolla


Let me see if I understand: Sanders stands by his family and honors his daughter, exactly what a father should do, and it is labeled a betrayal.

Exactly who are these 200 “pro-family” pastors who would condemn an honorable, courageous and loving parent, and what golden rule are they following: “Do unto others as you would have them do to you, unless their politics differ from yours”?

Ray Lancon

Los Angeles
