
The true Spelling story

Re “A new low in the high life,” Opinion, July 23

Tim Rutten’s article about the disparity of wealth in this country seems to have come right out of Karl Marx’s handbook. Worse, singling out Candy Spelling as a latter-day Marie Antoinette for being the rich widow of Aaron Spelling was an affront. To quote a famous commercial, Aaron Spelling made his money the old-fashioned way: He earned it.

For those unfamiliar with Aaron Spelling’s personal history, he was born to Jewish immigrant parents, fought in World War II and earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He used the GI Bill to attend college. He was a bit-part actor for years until he sold a few scripts, going on to produce his first hit, “The Mod Squad.” As they say, the rest is history. Candy married Aaron Spelling in 1968, long before he earned his fortune.

If Rutten is advocating the redistribution of wealth, he should just say so. With his latest article, he has engaged himself in class warfare of the most vindictive kind.


Charles Reilly

Manhattan Beach
