
Thumb thing unique

AS A producer and director in L.A. for over 30 years, it is disheartening to see the demise of Ebert and Roeper on “At the Movies” [“A New Era for ‘At the Movies,’ ” by Scott Collins, July 23]. One may have disagreed with them at times but their reviews were intelligent and provoking.

I only hope that Ben Mankiewicz and Ben Lyons (son of Jeffrey “I never saw a movie I didn’t love” Lyons) can carry on the tradition and not dumb down their reviews to appeal to the cultural level in our society today.

Robert C. Thompson

Marina del Rey


WHILE “At the Movies” may never be the same, I will always remember the influence it had on many of my parents’ movie choices. My mother used to ask, “Did the Thumbs like it?”


Laura Owen

Pacific Palisades
