
Postcard from a do-gooder

Don’t like your postcard options when you travel? Make and send your own online at

What’s hot: Sure, there are other travel sites that make e-cards out of your travel photos, but Zoom and Go makes print postcards and sends them for you: $1.99 (U.S. and Canada) or $2.99 (international). Delivery takes five to seven days for domestic orders and seven to nine days for global destinations. Not only is this a fun and personal service, but you can also feel good about using it because 20 cents of every postcard sale is donated to charity. Click on “Change Your World” and select from seven organizations, including Kiva, Doctors Without Borders, Rethink Breast Cancer -- or suggest a charity.

You also can see what others are shooting in the “Find Places” tab. Search by destination -- as broad as “Mexico” or as specific as “Disneyland” or “hotel.”


Zoom and Go was started in 2002 as a community travel review website. Each photo, video and review gets vetted before it’s posted, and users are rewarded as much as a dollar for posting reviews, uploading videos and booking hotels through the site.

What’s not: Do we really need another travel social networking site? If you can’t face that, check out Zoom and Go’s Facebook application and make postcards from there.

-- Jen Leo
