
No quick fast-food fixes

Re “Panel OKs fast-food curbs,” July 23

Obesity and its resultant health complications, especially diabetes, are indeed a challenging public health problem in our nation. But banning so-called fast-food restaurants from specific zones will not ameliorate the problem.

People will walk a few extra blocks to get the products they crave, especially in today’s cost-conscious environment. Eliminating Big Macs and their ilk won’t bring in supermarkets and green grocers -- and even if it did, the public needs to be educated about the real root causes of obesity: poor nutritional balance and inadequate exercise.

Restricting food choices by government fiat will not stem the tide of excessive calories, most of which are consumed at home. The mantra “calories in versus calories out” must be taught in our school curricula and at home. Schoolchildren should be lured outside, away from their computers and video games, for healthful exercise.


There is nothing uniquely fattening about fast food. Healthier choices are available at those restaurants. Consumers must be provided with information that allows them to make better selections to effectively combat obesity. Being told what to eat by the City Council will not empower anyone to make wise choices or change their preferences.

Gilbert Ross MD

Medical Director

American Council

on Science and Health

New York

What do council members hope to gain from this? Surely they do not think that placing a one-year freeze on opening fast-food restaurants will force our children to eat more sensibly?

For some kids, fast-food restaurants provide first jobs. Many of these restaurants are owned by minorities attempting to realize the great American dream, only to have it shut down by the local government.


If City Council members want to help, why don’t they do something about the high school dropout problem we have in South Los Angeles? Why don’t they do something about teenage pregnancy? Why don’t they address the gang problem?

Timothy C. Harris

Los Angeles
