
Bias is in the eye of the beholder

Re “In study, evidence of liberal-bias bias,” July 27

James Rainey writes that there isn’t as much bias in the media as many claim because although there are many more news stories on Barack Obama, many of them are negative.

That may be well and good, but as the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Recently, I went to to check out the number of times the two candidates’ names appeared on the home page. Obama’s name was mentioned eight times, and John McCain’s name was mentioned once.

Is there only one man running for president in your world?

Lea Osborne

Woodland Hills


The actual headline should be, “Study shows evidence of conservative bias.” For conservatives reading the headline as it appears in The Times, in a quick glance it affirms their mistaken belief in what the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys repeat constantly. The study found 28% of the statements were positive regarding Obama and 72% were negative. And in spite of McCain’s serial gaffes and goofs, 43% were positive for him and only 57% were negative.


So there’s the proof that conservative bias rules the networks and most of the media, but you’ll never hear it on prime-time news.

Jerold Drucker

