


Beauty in Trouble | A comedic Czech drama about an unlikely romance between a desperate young mother and a kindly, but older, expatriate.

Frozen River | Strapped for money, a working-class woman reluctantly teams up with a widowed Mohawk to smuggle illegal immigrants across the St. Lawrence River from Canada into the U.S.

A Jihad for Love | Filmed in 12 countries and in nine languages, this doc explores the complex issues between Islam and homosexuality.


The Midnight Meat Train | The lure of a prominent art gallery show drives a photographer to dig deeper into humanity’s dark side.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor | The franchise shifts to Asia, where explorer Rick O’Connell inadvertently awakens a 2,000-year-old dead ruler and his 10,000-strong terra cotta army.

Swing Vote | Due to the machinations of his smart daughter, a beer-swilling underachiever finds that an election comes down to his vote.
